Dried Figs

Dried Figs- The Wonder Fruit

Dried figs are an underappreciated fruit when compared to Walnuts, Almonds, Pista, and other nuts and seeds. However, they are just as healthy as Walnuts or Almonds. They are quite beneficial to women who are experiencing infertility. Minerals in figs are thought to be necessary for the synthesis of hormones connected to fertility, according to research. They also help to keep the body alkaline, making them useful for treating digestive ailments such as acidity and indigestion. The inclusion of calcium and magnesium in figs also aids in relaxing the necessary minerals for maintaining electrolyte balance, which helps to regulate blood pressure concerns. Minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and copper are abundant in figs, which are also high in antioxidants.

Apart from so many medicinal properties, it makes a perfect snacking item especially for people who have sweet tooth. An excellent Pre-workout snack which can provide that extra dose of energy you need to do your workout. It’s a must add to your daily dose of healthy food items on your plate.

Health Benefits of Dried Fig

  1. Potassium is abundant in figs, a vitamin that aids in the management of high blood pressure. Your body may be deficient in potassium due to your current lifestyle and excessive consumption of processed foods. Hypertension may arise as a result of this. Because dry figs are high in potassium, they can help you maintain a healthy blood pressure level.
  2. Figs include phenols, an antioxidant that may reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer by decreasing cell damage caused by harmful free radicals. High cholesterol, heart disease, and constipation are all reduced by fibre.
  3. Fibre in figs may also aid weight loss by making them more full, allowing you to consume less calories.
  4. Antioxidants abound in dried figs. When it comes to antioxidants, studies show that processed, dried figs outperform natural figs. In fact, when compared to other fruits that trace their antioxidant properties to vitamin C and E, dried figs contain a higher quality of antioxidants called phenols.
  5. The Greeks employed fig as a natural aphrodisiac, according to ancient literature. Figs were thought to be a sacred fruit and were linked to fertility and love. Figs promote fertility and libido according to science since they are high in minerals like zinc, manganese, and magnesium, which are crucial for reproductive health.
  6. Dietary fibre is abundant in figs. 3 pieces of dried figs provide 5 grammes of fibre, which is roughly 20% of our daily fibre intake. It’s a natural laxative that can help you avoid constipation.
  7. Dried figs contain a lot of iron. One dried fig can provide you with 2% of your daily iron needs. Iron is a vital mineral for transporting haemoglobin throughout the body. As a result, eating figs is a natural way to indirectly improve haemoglobin levels by increasing iron levels in your body.

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